dissabte, 7 de gener del 2012

Carta del President Obama

A principis de l'any 2011, en aquesta pàgina web http://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/submit-questions-and-comments vaig deixar una pregunta per al president dels Estats Units, on li preguntava quina seria la posició del Estats Units si Catalunya es declara independent. Quan ja ni recordava haver fet la pregunta, a mitjans de desembre vaig rebre un correu de la "White House". Fa tota la cara d'haver estat generat automàticament per un programa, que va detectar que el tema de la pregunta feia referència a política exterior i m'ha enviat la resposta estàndard per aquest casos i dirigida als ciutadans nord-americans. De totes maneres em fa gràcia haver rebut un correu del Barack Obama. A continuació la transcripció del correu:
De: no-reply@correspondence.whitehouse.gov 
December 13, 2011

Dear Friend:

Thank you for writing.  I have heard from many Americans about our Nation's foreign policy, and I appreciate your perspective.

As President, my highest priority is the safety of the American people.  My Administration is using every element of our national power to keep our country secure, prosperous, and free.  We have renewed our leadership in the world by strengthening old alliances and forging new partnerships to meet common challenges such as preventing terrorist attacks, reversing the global economic crisis, responding to pandemic disease, and confronting climate change.
Still, much remains to be done.  My Administration is working every day to defeat and destroy al-Qa'ida and its extremist affiliates in Afghanistan and beyond.  Shortly after taking office, I directed the Central Intelligence Agency to make the capture or killing of Osama bin Laden, al-Qa'ida's leader, a top priority.  On May 1, 2011, we achieved this mission, bringing to justice a terrorist responsible for the murder of thousands of men, women, and children in the United States and around the world.  Bin Laden's death does not mark the end of our efforts against al-Qa'ida, and we will remain vigilant at home and abroad as we continue working to disrupt and dismantle this terrorist network.

On August 31, 2010, we also ended our combat mission in Iraq, and we are on track to have all our troops out of Iraq by the end of this year.  We are working to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and keep them out of terrorists' hands, and we are in the midst of a four-year effort to secure all vulnerable materials worldwide to prevent nuclear terrorism at its source.  Looking forward, we will continue to partner with other nations to fulfill our shared aspirations:  to support our families, to have the freedom to choose leaders and worship as we please, and to live in peace and security.

I will advance these interests in my work with other governments.  However, meeting these common challenges will also require active, engaged citizens.  Real progress does not just come from governments and international institutions.  Lasting change comes from those who are willing to speak up for the future we desire. 

Thank you, again, for writing, and I invite you to learn more about our foreign policy at:  www.WhiteHouse.gov/issues/foreign-policy. 


Barack Obama

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